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Saturday, January 28, 2012


Friday Pastor Andy and I took the men in LeaP II (Leadership training) to a midstate cabin for a prayer retreat.  We had a great time that evening playing games (should Christians be playing Liar??), talking and laughing--some of it continuing late into the night.  We spent all of Saturday morning praying--not even stopping to eat.  In fact, we didn't eat supper Friday or breakfast Saturday.  In the afternoon on the way home we stopped at a restaurant to break our fast.

On the ride to the cabin there were a lot of good-natured jokes about food.  The banter continued throughout the night--including odd suggestions like trying one of the stuffed heads mounted high on the cabin walls.  The gallons of juice we drank couldn't fill any gaps and by the time we ordered our food we were famished.  Couldn't wait until the waitress brought our meals.

Veteran of a 40-day fast, Jesus would have chuckled at how soon we were to eager to satisfy our hunger.  And..., perhaps asked if we were anywhere near as hungry for righteousness. 

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