For several years our church has been on a journey, planning and raising money for a new ministry center. 2 years ago the initial pledge total fell nearly $.75 million short of what we needed but we prayed that would change. Several months before needing to sign the contract, it became clear that it was not going to change. All along giving has been very much in line with what had been pledged, but not much higher. So we asked the body if they could dig deeper. This second wave of commitments totaled an additional $331,000--remarkable for our blue collar congregation.
There was a way to begin construction with less money: complete everything but the kitchen and fellowship hall. It was not to be. We still fell $135,000 short. A month ago church leaders announced to the congregation that we needed to hit the "pause" button and would not break ground this year after all.
On January 20, I wrote that the "stage was set" for God to show up in a powerful way. It was the only option left since our "own" resources were exhausted. Only if He miraculously walked across the stage and provided could we move ahead. He did. Last Sunday we announced that the builder discounted the project price by $100,000--and between other donations and commitments of time and materials, the $135,000 gap was closed. We're going to build this spring after all. Glory to God!
We're praying for one more miracle : $225,000 in the next 3 months so we can complete the building. It's still His stage, so I would not be surprised if on another day in the not to distant future, He walks across it again and provides. I can't help remember Jesus' words to Peter, "Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?"
Our purpose as a church is to glorify God. But sometimes He does it all by Himself.
Waiting in anticipation!!!!