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Friday, August 5, 2011

Must see video

There are any number of good reasons to click this link and watch John Piper interview Jon Knight.  It will be a very fast 24 minutes.  What I especially love is how the church was the church to this good but lost "elder brother" who has gone through very deep waters: a son born blind and with many other problems, and a wife with cancer.  


  1. I do hope you will consider showing this during corporate worship (or at least an excerpt). Some in our body may be given fresh resolve to trust God for their unique trial. Many, like me, need to be reminded to stop pitying ourselves over little nuisances and have our eyes/hearts open for people like the Knights. May more of us be like the couple who took hold of this family and would not let the glory of God.

  2. "Trust in Jesus-even when it goes wrong". How encouraging. If we hide from people who are in pain, how will they see the love of Christ? Someone else? Maybe. But we can seek the direction of the Spirit and be confident in our encounters with suffering people because we know Christ is calling us to love them; even if we say something they perceive as insensitive. I have witnessed this in our church body and it serves as a great model for me.
