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Monday, April 18, 2011

Where the main thing was the main thing

[Note: broken audio links at end of post have been replaced by working video links]

The waiter was pushing a large stainless steel cart loaded with plates and glasses down the corridor.  At McCormick Place corridors can be--I don't know, maybe 80-100 feet wide, which made the conferee traffic look sparse.  When several glasses from the waiter's cart slid off and exploded, I looked for some place to set my belongings out of the way and help clean up.  But by the time I turned around, three brothers were on their knees demonstrating the gospel we'd all assembled to rejoice in.

I meant to blog from the Gospel Coalition Conference in Chicago last week but alas, no time.  What an incredible 3 days of worship, wonder, and fellowship with like-minded believers.  I'm very grateful to the church for this privilege--especially to enjoy it with my wife.

We came--over 5000 strong, from varied denominations, varied states and countries, various races and people groups, all in love with God's gospel of Jesus Christ.  The theme was preaching Christ and the gospel from the Old Testament, but there were many there who were not preaching pastors.  As my wife testified yesterday, everyone benefited from the plenaries and workshops--pastor or not. 

You could do worse than spend an hour watching one of these messages.  Here are links to several. 

Tim Keller on Exodus 14 ("Getting Out"):

Alistair Begg on Ruth ("From a Foreigner to King Jesus"):

James MacDonald on Psalm 25 ("Not According to our Sins"):

One of the most invigorating things I witnessed was a mass of young pastors--the 20-30 something crowd, who clearly love the gospel and biblical preaching.  The new church is in good hands with such men.

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