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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mutant Christianity

This post is for those 35 and younger (hey, I had to pick some cutoff age!).  On Sunday Pastor Brandon mentioned a CNN article on a troubling new book entitled Almost Christian.  The author is Princeton Seminary prof and United Methodist minister Kendra Creasy Dean who suspects many "Christian" teenagers, actually aren't.  Aren't Christians.

Teen or not, what do you believe?  About God, Christ, yourself, grand purposes, the world, the future?  I'm not talking about the things you don't know, but what you say you do believe.   

OK, next question: will you find it in the Bible?  You sure?  Read the CNN article:

If you're over 35 and went ahead and read anyway, do you think this is a problem limited to the younger set?  Me neither.  Luke 6:46.


  1. I really thought that was a challenging article. Not only as a challenge to myself and where my faith stands but also to ask, what "radical" things am I doing in my life for Christ? Am I living my life so that a "fake" christian or a non-believer sees just enough Christ to know I believe? Or am I living so that they would be EXCITED to live a simular life?

  2. (Welcome back Tyler!) Good insight; am I just believing Christ or am I bleeding Christ? Am I leaving stains behind wherever I go?

  3. Keith that is quite a comment you made. It is convicting. Gives me alot to think about.

  4. I agree that this is true in every age group. But, I have to look at myself first. I am confident in what I believe, but am I passionate about it? Not like I should be.

  5. i would definitely say that so many people within the walls of the church are not saved. Jesus speaks about this in Matthew 13 when he talks to crowds about the wheat and the tares. the tares will always grow among the wheat.

    i think regardless of age group we all get lazy and comfortably settled into a church based religion and not a Christ centered relationship.

    Thanks for the thoughts!

  6. What complicates matters is even truly born again teenagers are still babies in their faith who throw up on themselves and have messy diapers. Meanwhile unregenerate church kids have the appearance of godliness b/c they have something to gain (parental praise, rewards, etc) for their moral conformity.

    I value Piper's treasure language because idolatry is rampant among people who see Jesus as savior & Lord. John 6 shows a crowd who knows Jesus is the messiah (savior) and wants to make him king (lord), but they desired him because they wanted full bellies. They made Jesus the giver of their idols--their worship didn't terminate on him, but on his stuff. Jesus didn't want people to see him as the prophet & king in that way; he wanted them to see him as priest who brings people to God.
