Just watch out. It has been proven time and time again that believers who pray for other people often are moved to get involved in some way with those same people. You might end up spending money, time, or something else on their behalf.
Representative of this are founders of the e3 Partners mission organization, Tom and JoAnn Doyle. "Operation World changed our lives! In 1999, my wife and I began praying for a country each night in Operation World. God opened our hearts wide for lost people, especially in the Middle East. Every night as we would read about Iran, Israel and other nations, our hearts were gripped with the need to reach these countries for Christ. Within two years, God called us to leave senior pastoring a local church in the Colorado Springs area, and to go to the very places that we had been praying for! So as you pray through Operation World, just remember, God may radically change your world to reach His world."